
Leisa McGill, Appearance Medicine Nurse at Skin Centre, tells me that one of the most common observations made about her is the frequent laughter heard coming from her clinic room. It took less than five minutes in her company to see why. I’m unsure whether it was her ready smile, quick sense of humour, down-to-earth conversation or her gorgeous daffodil yellow silk blouse, but I came away feeling brighter and left without a doubt of her ability to put her patients at ease.

Proud of reaching a decade of employment with Skin Centre and their outstanding reputation for excellence, Leisa makes particular mention of their commitment to putting patients first, always. Moving into the area of appearance medicine almost four years ago, Leisa admits that it can be a contentious subject, but wholly recognises the benefits. “It’s ok to age, in fact, it’s a privilege,” she says. “I look at my job as the opportunity to offer people confidence, sometimes for the first time in their lives. Good appearance medicine should be ‘You look really good!’ not ‘Ooh, where did you get your lips done?'”

Opposed to endorsing overdone trending celebrity looks, Leisa places emphasis on honesty and building trust, so that she can better manage healthy expectations for patient’s outcomes.” How does she manage unrealistic expectations? “I educate people about achieving a natural look, on how everything should be in proportion to their face and features.” Sound advice indeed. Her approach pays off in spades with her clients returning time and again, glowing and happy.

She loves unconventional beauty, a look which doesn’t come in size 0 packaging, with role models such as Meghan Trainor and Helen Mirren. A very attractive woman herself, Leisa’s sensible and realistic attitude offers a comforting balance; you know you’re not going to be encouraged to undergo unnecessary treatments. This may come in part from a natural authenticity, but she says there have been a couple of bumps along the way to help her understand what the true priorities in life are. Firstly, her five-year fertility battle before conceiving her son, now 7, and the light of her life. Secondly, a recent and tragic car accident, narrowly sparing the life of her partner, but resulting in the death of his colleague. “We’ve always worked really hard, but now we want to take time to enjoy life, time is so precious.”

Some other traits include a voracious love of reading, an admirable patience on the subject of Minecraft, and a preference for getting out on the lake at weekends. Most grateful in life for her family and friends, Leisa says she’d like to be remembered for making people laugh, and being able to laugh at herself. I think she’s on a winning streak.

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