Collagen Induction Therapy – Scar Reduction Therapy
The Dermastamp ™ procedure works by stimulating your own body’s collagen and breaking down scar tissue. Your body will start to naturally regenerate the skin, it will only take up to six weeks before visible signs of regeneration are seen and the process will continue over the following months, providing you with a gradual and long lasting enhancement. The Dermastamp also utilises ‘infuse as-you-go-technology’ to instantly infuse anti ageing ingredients deep into the skin to give you an instant hit of stimulation.
Now available at the Skin Centre, book a free consultation with a beauty therapist, 0800 Skin Centre (754 623) or
Call us now to speak to our nurse for a free consultation
How long before I see results?
You will notice a fresher skin within 6 weeks. However your skin will continue to improve over 6-12mths.
How often can I have the Dermstamp?
For Collagen Skin Rejuvenation – 3 treatments / 4 wks apart (Approx)
For Scars Acne Scar Reduction – 6 treatments / 4 wks apart (Approx)
Should you expect downtime from this treatment?
The inflammatory reaction of the skin is extremely short and fades significantly within hours from redness to pinkish that may last from 12 to 24 hours on average. In order to reduce visible redness, we recommend topical healing minerals hyaluronic acid to help hydrate the skin. Zinc sun protection is also recommended.